Cosmetic Dentistry in Windsor

When you love the way your teeth look and feel, it helps you feel more confident. However, many people have something about their smile they want to improve. At Friedl Dentistry, we offer reliable cosmetic dental treatments to boost the appearance of your smile so you feel excited about sharing it with the world.

Our team is proud to offer skilled aesthetic dentistry to the residents of Windsor, Lakeshore, Tecumseh, and the surrounding areas. You can trust that we will welcome you with respect and kindness, regardless of how you want to boost the appeal of your smile. We are excited to meet you and help you discover skilled cosmetic dentistry that will transform your look. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.


What Is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry, or aesthetic dentistry, includes dental services that improve the appearance of your smile. The treatments include altering the shade, position, and shape of your teeth to create a uniform and aesthetically pleasing smile. We understand that many people want a stunning smile, but time and nature can leave imperfections. Our team takes the time to get to know you and asks questions to fully understand your cosmetic goals. We use this information to craft a treatment plan that is unique to your needs and achieves your desired aesthetic improvements.

  • Professional Teeth Whitening: A bright smile communicates good oral health and personal care, but many foods and drinks are highly pigmented and leave behind stains that dim your teeth over time. We offer Philips Zoom in-office whitening treatments to lift surface stains and reveal the natural color of your teeth. Our office also offers take-home whitening kits with custom trays so you can freshen your smile in the comfort of your home. If you select our in-office brightening treatment, we provide custom trays and whitening solution so you can perform touch-ups as needed to maintain your teeth whitening results.
  • Dental Veneers: If the structure of your tooth is healthy, but it's worn, discolored, misshaped, or slightly crooked or gapped, then our custom dental veneers may be the solution you're looking for. Veneers are versatile because they can address a wide variety of cosmetic issues. We offer chairside composite veneers and indirect porcelain veneers to meet your unique needs. You can choose a single veneer to improve the appearance of one tooth or multiple veneers to create a beautiful new smile.
  • Braces & Clear Aligners: It's natural to want straighter teeth. That's why we offer Invisalign® clear aligners and traditional braces to straighten bite misalignments like crooked, crowded, and gapped teeth. Our team will perform a gentle exam to determine the severity of your misalignment and craft a treatment plan that takes your specific needs and lifestyle into account. If you choose clear aligners to straighten your smile, it's important to wear them for approximately 22 hours each day to maintain your treatment timeline. You should only remove your custom trays to eat or drink, then brush your teeth and put the aligners back in. Due to the requirements of Invisalign aligners, we only recommend this treatment to those who can follow the guidelines.
  • Tooth-Colored Restorations: A compromised or missing tooth requires protection to boost your oral health and prevent further damage. We offer tooth-colored dental restorations to renew the integrity of your bite and rejuvenate your smile. Our office provides traditional and implant-supported crowns, bridges, and dentures to meet your needs and safeguard your oral health.

Cosmetic Dentistry FAQs

When choosing the treatment option that's right for you, it's necessary to ask questions. Our friendly team welcomes your questions, and we are happy to provide the insight and answers you need to make an informed decision regarding your treatment plan. Here are some of the most common questions we receive about cosmetic dental treatments.

How can I maintain my bright smile after teeth whitening?

To keep your fresh smile bright, you can avoid highly pigmented foods like tomato sauces, berries, and curry. If you drink dark-colored beverages, we recommend enjoying them through a straw to avoid contact with the front of your teeth. You can also brush your teeth after you enjoy deeply pigmented foods and drinks to avoid surface stains.

Yes. When your teeth are straight, it's easier to brush and floss them properly, which helps prevent gum disease, cavities, and decay. You also reduce your risk of jaw joint pain and uneven wear on your teeth.

Dental restorations like crowns and bridges are easy to care for because you simply brush and floss them twice daily, just like your natural teeth. It's important to maintain your biannual dental appointments so our gentle team can verify the integrity of your tooth-colored dental restoration.

Discover a Beautiful Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry in Windsor

You deserve a smile you can't wait to show off. At Friedl Dentistry, we offer custom cosmetic dentistry in Windsor to help turn your dream smile into a reality. Our compassionate team blends years of experience with modern treatments to help you achieve your goals while protecting your oral health. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.


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